Sunday, May 1, 2011

To "family"!

To me, family means- people who will be there for you no matter what. People who, even in your darkest hour still make you feel like your shining brighter than you ever have before. They're there to see you through anything and everything that can come your way. They have your back and would never say an ill word to you or about you! They don't use or manipulate you. And when you bring someone into your life to share your life with that person, regardless of their feelings on it, they will support you and do all that they can to see to it that you are happy. They wouldn't dare try to ruin a relationship between you and someone else, nor would they do all that they can to make you or your spouse feel like their being means next to nothing. And they will be there to share all the happiest and joyous moments with you.. not take them away!!!
I've had to deal all of this from so many people from all aspects. And quite frankly, I'm done! You can only take so much from people. And I've finally got to that point, I feel its best to exert myself from the situation. I will do what I can to ensure that you people can't hurt me or my husband anymore. To me, whether your "blood" or not.. BLOOD does not make you family!!! And the only way I will feel better about what you've done to me is to completely throw you out of my life. I don't deserve what you've said and done, and I will not stand for it.
My husband and I are our own family now.. whether you like that or not. We are happy people, and do not need negative influences.. especially at this point in our lives. You've slandered me, threatened me, and have tried to ruin my marriage. But I'm here to tell you, our marriage is based on LOVE.. its a bond that can't be broken. But, thank you! Thank you for showing your true colors and how you really feel.
And apologies? No.. sorry! What's done is done. You can't take it back. Go ahead and say that it was just the heat of the moment. That's not gonna change a thing! Because its obvious that what you said has crossed your mind or else you wouldn't have said it.
Like I said, Chris and I are our own family. We won't be involved in stupid drama. We don't need it, nor want to be around it. We have too much to live for. So you can take all of it, and just sit and think about what you've done. You will live a long, lonely, disgusting life. While we'll have eachother and be just fine no matter what! (:
This is to ALL of those who have hurt Chris and I, and who THINK they will come between us. This is not for one specific person, because God knows there hasn't just been ONE person who has tried to sabotage my marriage!
My husband is my world, that will never change. We are young and prosperous. We will make it through anything. And without those negative influences in our lives, we will be such happier people! So, again.. thank you for all you've said and done. You've only made me a stronger person, and more eager to be the best wife (and eventually, mother) that I can be! Have a grand 'ol time meddling in someone else's life, because your not coming anywhere near ours!

Love, The JENKINS! :D

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